
imaginary axis中文什么意思

发音:   用"imaginary axis"造句
  • 虚数轴,虚轴
  • 虚轴
  • imaginary:    adj. 1.想像中的,假想的 (opp. Actual ...
  • axis:    n. ( pl. axes ) 1.轴,轴线。 2.【植 ...
  • axis of imaginary:    虚数轴
  • imaginary semi-axis:    虚半轴
  • imaginary:    adj. 1.想像中的,假想的 (opp. Actual )。 2.【数学】虚数的。 an imaginary enemy 假想敌人。 imaginary number 虚数。 imaginary root 虚根。 imaginary unit 虚数单位,i。 imaginarily adv. imaginariness n.
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  1. The vertical axis is therefore called the imaginary axis .
  2. The symmetric values about the imaginary axis of zero - poles which the unstable process lies in the open and closed right - half plane are defined as their mirror - injection
  3. First we consider the spectral properties of the operator corresponding to this system and obtain that all points on the imaginary axis except for zero belong to resolvent set of the operator , zero is an eigenvalue of the operator and its adjoint operator with geometric multiplicity one
    先讨论了对应于该系统的主算子的谱特征并且得到了在虚轴上除了0点外其它所有点都属于该主算子的豫解集, 0是该主算子及其共轭算子几何重数为1的特征值。




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